Thinkpad T470 - Fingerprint Sensor Setup

Hello everyone, today's tutorial can be helpful for those who struggle with using and getting the fingerprint device to work on their Thinkpad when running a Linux system!

On my end, I'm using a Thinkpad T470 with a brand new SSD, and I've got PopOs installed – it's running like a charm!

Most of the commands can be found using the python-validity github repo right there

Update apt repo

Since i'm using a ubuntu-like system i'll be using the ubuntu commands, feel free to check the github repo for other linux systems

$ sudo apt remove fprintd
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:uunicorn/open-fprintd
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install open-fprintd fprintd-clients python3-validity
$ fprintd-enroll

Enroll new fingerprint

Now if you don´t have any error, you should be able to register your fingerprint using the command fprintd-enroll and press your finger to the fingerprint device multiple times until you get the message Enroll result: enroll-completed


Error list_devices failed:

Now, if, like me, it doesn't work the first time, well, that's okay – nobody's perfect

If you check your python3-validity.service it should show you an error

You just need to do a factory reset of your fingerprint device using the command below

$ sudo systemctl stop python3-validity
$ sudo validity-sensors-firmware
$ sudo python3 /usr/share/python-validity/playground/

Now you should be able to start the python3-validy.service and enrolling your new fingerprint !

PAM enable

Before doing anything else, you want to enable the dinger-print device to unlock your session or using your finger to run a sudo command !

Do to so you'll need to update the PAM rules using 

$ sudo pam-auth-update

Here are the first lines of my /etc/pam.d/common-auth file

auth    [success=2 default=ignore] max_tries=1 timeout=10 # debug
auth    [success=1 default=ignore] try_first_pass nullok_secure

Now your sensor should be working. Perhaps a reboot wouldn't hurt to ensure everything is functioning correctly!


This article was updated on 13 September 2023


Formerly a firefighter in France 🇫🇷 🚒, I decided to pursue my passion for IT and especially offensive cybersecurity. Now a Pentester in Montreal 🇨🇦 for almost 3 years and an active member of HackersWithoutBorders North America, I am gradually specializing in internal and network intrusion testing.

Sharing our passion for this field, whether for awareness or education, is an important mission for me!

Feel free to contact me to discuss cyber or anything else over a beer :D 🍻