Cuckoo Sandbox - Install

EDIT - 03/03/2021 : I upgrade the Windows 7 install for a Windows 10.

EDIT - 16/08/2023 : Didn't try this one for a while, I don't know if it still works for 2023 ! So be carefull guys !

Hello! it’s been a while since I’ve done a little tutorial on my blog!

Today we’re going to see how to install and configure cuckoo sandbox for dynamic analysis on a Windows 10 machine!

INFO : I made this tutorial on a Ubuntu 20.04 updated machine and virtualbox 6.1. You may have version problems depending on the packages you are going to install.

Before continuing

Before continuing, please be aware that cuckoo’s technical documentation is very complete and can help you in case of problems. I’m not an expert, in case of bad configuration and “destruction” of your environment, I can’t be held responsible.
This tutorial is primarily here to serve as notes and not to spend 1 week in the cuckoo documentation.

Well, let’s get on with it!


For this tutorial I created a user cuckoo with sudo rights to download the packages.
I logged into his session to do the whole installation with it.
Feel free to change the cuckoo user with your current user.

sudo useradd cuckoo
sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers cuckoo
sudo usermod -aG sudo cuckoo

Also remember to put the user in the vboxusers group so that he has the rights to use VMs.

Installing packages

There are a lot of them, here is all you need to install before continuing.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install python python3-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt install python-setuptools
pip3 install virtualenv
sudo apt install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev swig
sudo apt install mongodb
sudo apt install postgresql libpq-dev
sudo apt install virtualbox
sudo apt install tcpdump apparmor-utils
sudo apt install m2crypto

Virtualbox - vboxnet0

Normally you should have the latest version of virtualbox, remember to create a host private network in the virtualbox settings and leave it as default.


Here is what your interface should look like:



Now we need to configure tcpdump.
By default it is only executable by an administrator account but it must be executable by our user without privilege elevation (sudo).

Otherwise, it’s impossible to run a network scan with cuckoo.

sudo groupadd pcap
sudo usermod -a -G pcap cuckoo
sudo chgrp pcap /usr/sbin/tcpdump
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump
sudo aa-disable /usr/sbin/tcpdump

To check if everything is working properly you can run :

getcap /usr/sbin/tcpdump

Or just run tcpdump with your user and see if it runs without admin rights.

TIPS: If you want another user to be able to run tcpdump without administrator rights, simply add him to the pcap group.


env python

Before installing cuckoo, you need to create a python2.7 environment because cuckoo only supports python2 (yes that sucks).

For our environment, we’ll do it with virtualenv :

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 cuckoo-env

To activate your env-python and work on it, just run :

source cuckoo-env/bin/activate


If you ever have problems with virtualenv reinstall it :

sudo apt remove virtualenv
sudo apt install virtualenv

Installation of Cuckoo

Now we are ready to install Cuckoo in our env-python2.7:

pip install setutools
pip install -U cuckoo

Check if all cuckoo libraries have been installed without errors.

Start your first cuckoo initialization with the command :

cuckoo init

If everything works well, it shows you the path to the cuckoo configuration files.

In my case, it' s in /home/cuckoo/.cuckoo.

Virtual Machine Windows 10

Cuckoo is installed, we are now going to create our virtual machine under Windows 10.

Before I manually installed my VM with virtualbox, I had done it with vmcloak but unfortunately it’s no longer compatible with virtualbox-6.1 so we’ll do it differently !

Creating the VM

Nothing exceptional here, just install your VM as you would normally do on virtualbox.

TIPS: I recommend that you give it 2 cores in CPU and 2GB in RAM because later you will have the possibility to make a DUMP of the RAM and analyze it with volatility and I can assure you that a 2GB memory dump is easier to analyze than an 8GB memory dump!

Counter-Tips: If you are not interested by the forensic analysis, just put all the RAM that you want !

For the network card of the machine, you have to assign the vboxnet0 card, the one we created at the very beginning of the tutorial and a bridge access card.


VM Configuration

Once your Windows 10 system is installed, you need to configure it and install various software.

For now, you can have an internet access.

Here are the tools to install :

  • Python2.7 Not Python3 !!
  • adobepdf
  • Office
  • pillow ( C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install Pillow used for the screenshot)

Installation of the cuckoo agent

It is important to install the cuckoo agent that will be used to control the GUEST machine (windows 10).

It is a python script found in the configuration files .cuckoo/agent/
Transfer the python script to the GUEST, change the file extension like agent.pyw and execute it with administrator rights.

To do that, just open cmd.exe with the Admin rights and then :

C:\Python27\pythonw.exe C:\Users\cuckoo\Downloads\agent.pyw

TIPS: If you want to transfer the file from your host to your VM, you can use a Python web server ! To create a simple web server, you can se python, just run this command into the folder that contains all the files you want to share :

python3 -m http.server 8888

Now you can access this server using your browser and type the ip and the port :


To check if the script has executed correctly, open the cmd.exe and type :

netstat -aon


If you see an open port on then the script has executed correctly.

TIPS 2: To make the script run without the terminal, change the extension to agent.pyw.


Once your installation is complete and everythig is working like a charm, shutdown you VM and remove the bridge network !.

For security reasons, it is necessary to set up a virtual network so that the malwares you are going to run on your sandbox cannot communicate with the machines on your home network! Remove the other network cards and keep vboxnet0, then turn your machine back on and once on the desktop, make your snapshot.


Once you machine is up and your on the desktop, start the cuckoo agent with admin right and take a snapshot !

Cuckoo Configuration

Now that our machine is ready, we’ll set up cuckoo.

We start by downloading the community plugins with the following command:

cuckoo community

Once that’s done we can start our configuration.


Since we are using virtualbox, we need to modify the .cuckoo/conf/virtualbox.conf file.

This file will contain the configuration of our machine, I’ll show you the parameters to modify :


# headless allows not to display the VM 
# If you want to display your machine and see the actions that are performed, I advise you to use the option gui
mode = gui

path = /usr/bin/VBoxManage

interface = vboxnet0

# You can place multiple machines, here cuckoo1 is the identifier of the vm configured below in the [cuckoo1] section file, 
# If you add another machine, add a cuckoo2 and copy/paste the configuration below and rename it [cuckoo2].
machines = cuckoo1

controlports = 5000-5050


# VM name
label = windows10

platform = windows

# Its ip address, if you did not touch the configuration of vboxnet0, it does not change and remains in
ip =

# snapshot name
snapshot = origin

# For the rest of the file just keep the default configuration.


By default, the VirusTotal addon is disable. This option is used to analyse the file that you drop into your VM for a Static analysis.

If you want to anable this option, go to .cuckoo/conf/processing.conf and change the enabled = yes into the [virustotal] section.

WARNING : Cuckoo will send the file using the public API of VirusTotal, that means all the file will be accessible by everybody. Don’t use VirusTotal to analyse a confidential file.

Network configuration

As you can see, our machine currently has no internet connection on the vboxnet0 card, we will set up a redirection so that it can access the internet.

In my case, the main network card of my host (the wi-fi interface) is called wlp2s0, change it if necessary.

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.vboxnet0.forwarding=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.wlp2s0.forwarding=1

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlp2s0 -s -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT

Now your machine will have internet access even on the vboxnet0 card.

Routing cuckoo

You need to enable cuckoo’s routing for internet access & traffic analysis.

To do this, just modify the .cuckoo/conf/routing.conf file and in the internet option put the name of your network card, here I’ll put wlp2s0.



To activate cuckoo’s web interface, you need to enable mongodb.

Go to the .cuckoo/conf/reporting.conf file on line 45 in the mongodb section and pass the enabled option to yes :

enabled = yes

Fingers crossed

Now that everything is set up, all we have to do is cross our fingers and run cuckoo!

To start cuckoo, you will need 3 terminals that will execute the commands in this order:

Terminal 1 - routing

cuckoo rooter --sudo --group cuckoo

Terminal 2 - cuckoo

cuckoo -d

Terminal 3 - Web

cuckoo web --host --port 8080

And there you are, normally, you should be able to access the web interface at this address!

If you ever encounter problems, look at the second terminal, the -d option allows you to display the debug mode and see what’s wrong.

If you’re stuck on an error, I advise you to look if this error hasn’t already been solved on cuckoo’s github.

This article was updated on 16 August 2023


Formerly a firefighter in France 🇫🇷 🚒, I decided to pursue my passion for IT and especially offensive cybersecurity. Now a Pentester in Montreal 🇨🇦 for almost 3 years and an active member of HackersWithoutBorders North America, I am gradually specializing in internal and network intrusion testing.

Sharing our passion for this field, whether for awareness or education, is an important mission for me!

Feel free to contact me to discuss cyber or anything else over a beer :D 🍻